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Gallery 1 : Russian Icons
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Nr.P1 |

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Angel Protector

Wood Back Image

Bedroom Decoration
Old Icon Kazan Mother of God -
Yaroslavl School late 18th Century 1780/1800 circa -
Handpainted with egg tempera on Gold leaf over wood panel -
Mother of God with Child - On the left the protector Angel - The Kazan icon is related to the iconographical
type of hymn in praise of the Virgin, known as
the Odigitry icon ( from Greek it means "guide")
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This icon
depicts the Virgin in half-.length with the
blessing God-Child. In Byzantium, this iconography
was related to the Vlakherin icon of the Virgin.
In Russia, the icon was named after Kazan,
the place of a miraculous occurrence on July 8, 1579.
Prince Dmitry Pozharsky freed Moscow holding
the Kazan icon of the Virgin on October 22, 1612.
The church celebration of the icon occurs on these
two days -
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The Virgin of Kazan was considered the
protectress of all Russia.
Icon made in old russian traditions of 18th century - Kovcheg (raised border) -
Icon is painted with ochre, red, green and in various tones.
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Good state of preservation with some old restoration
- Size: cm 30 x 34,5 (12" x 13½" inches)
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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late 18th Century 1780/1800 circa
€ 2.800
€ 2.200
Size: cm 30 x 34,5
Size: 12" x 13½" inc

Nr.P2 |
Extra Large Photo

 Before cleaning

Old Rare Mandylion Icon
in the Superb original version of the russian iconography
- St. Petersburg School late 18th Century 1770/1790 circa -
Very rare and interesting painting on Gild leaf applied over wood panel -
There are the Archangels Michael and Gabriel holding the Mandylion cloth -
On the lateral borders the two figures of the Home Saint protectors: St. Demetrius and St. Alexandra
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This icon is also known as "The Sudarium" or Savior
Uncreated by Human Hands (Nerukotvorny Obraz Gospoda Nashego
Isusa Khrista ) - The depiction is inspired
by a legend that Christ’s image remained on a cloth
that He used to wipe His face. Abgar, The King
of Edessa, was suffering from leprosy. Hearing of
the many miracles performed by Jesus Christ, the King sent his archivist
Hannan to look for Jesus to heal him.
As Jesus couldn't come, Hannan tried
to draw him but with no success "because
of the inexpressible glory in his face
which changed in grace."
So Christ got a cloth himself and put
it on his face and his visage were
impressed on the Mandylion
(mandylion is an aramaic word that means cloth, handkerchief).
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As soon as the King saw the Jesus face impressed on
the Mandylion, he was healed and became converted.
Later the king attached this
cloth to a board and placed it on a niche on the gate
of the city. Tile was then used as a covering for
the cloth and legend says that the image appeared on
the tile as well. In the russian iconography of the late
16th and 17th centuries, the painted
figures of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel appeared
holding up the Mandylion cloth.
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Icon in good condition of conservation - Only a cleaning restoration was made recently -
See the comparison with the same icon before cleaning -
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A brass silver plated riza (oklad) with 18th Century floral embossed decorations was added
later to protect the icon from the hand touching of the believers as sign of devotion -
The dark patina of smoke produced by burning candles placed
alongside the icon by the believer people and the polluted dirt accumulated in
200 years over the hidden layer, under the riza, have been removed and all the
colours have came out as the icon was originally - After the excellent
cleaning restoration is preferable to keep the icon in the original magnificence
to show the real painting, without the protective cover riza - On the wood back
of the icon there are engraved cyrillic writings - Those inscriptions are the
names of the believers who kept the icon in custody to save it from a destruction
during the bolshevik revolution in Russia
Size: cm 36 x 44,5 (14" x 17½" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order

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Before Cleaning Image
Riza (oklad) Image
Riza (oklad) Lateral Image
late 18th
Century 1770/1790 circa |
€ 2.600
€ 2.000
Size: cm 36 x 44,5
Size: 14" x 17½" inc

Nr.P3 |

Superb old Icon "Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus
Christ" - The upper part of the Crucifix includes an image of
the Mandylion and two hovered angels with veiled hands bow to receive the
soul of the Crucified
- Palekh School - Period early 19th century
- 1800/1830 circa - Icon painted on Gold leaf
applied on wood panel in the typical form of an orthodox cross -
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This type of composition makes the icon extremely rare to find -
Hand painted with egg tempera over wood panel -
The shape of the Cross is called - "eight-pointed', i.e.
one vertical and three horizontal beams:
the first upper part is for the classic latin sentence title INRI, but in this case the cyrillic white inscription says: " King (Tzar) of Glory"
The second for the hands - On the left side corner is painted the Sun (Solntse),
which has darkened, while on the right side corner is painted the Moon (Luna), which has become red as blood of Jesus Christ -
Between the Sun and the Moon the dark inscription: "Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ " - The superscription in white abbreviated cyrillic form above Christ’s arms reads: "Son of God" -
The dark inscription under Christ's arms says: "We pray Jesus Christ after your eternal resurrection"
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The third slanting beam on the bottom is the footboard - Near the Christ's feet the inscription "NI KA"
from greek words that means: "He (Jesus) Wins" - Just below the slanting footboard are the 4 cyrillic letters "M L R B"
abbreviating for "Mesto Lobnoe Ray Buist"
which means: "The Place of the Skull Becomes Paradise" - Following the 2 cyrillic letters "GG" abbreviating for "Gora Golgofa"
which stand for "The Hill of Golgotha" - Under this section, just above the skull the cyrillic letters "G A" stand for "Golova Adama"
which means: "The Head (Skull) of Adam" -
In this area are depicted the walls of Jerusalem and the
Golgotha hill on which the Cross is implanted, as stylized rocks -
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The shape of the Cross was adopted from Byzantium,
while the inclination of the lower beam is a purely
Russian development - In Eastern compositions Christ
is crucified by four nails and not by three as in the Western art -
The Savior is pictured dead with closed eyes or alive with open
eyes, depending on the different moments of the Passion -
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The cross is cm 45 height (17¾" inches) -
The Icon is in good original state of preservation - The hole on the base of the cross is the point of connection
for the "U" form processional bracket pole - The metallic support was subsequently sideways fixed with the use of two screws -
Rebuilt sketch of the processional support
The icon is well painted
in the old russian tradition with bright colours such as
ochre, red and blue/green tonalities -
Size: cm 25 x 45 (9¾" x 17¾" inches)
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Provenance: private collection - Tallinn (Estonia)
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Processional Bracket Pole Image
Wood Back Image
Cross Size Image
Age: early
19th Century 1800/1830 circa
€ 3.400
€ 2.900
Size: cm 25 x 45
Size: 9¾" x 17¾" inc

Nr.P5 |

Old Russian Icon Virgin of Smolensk -
Novodevichy School (Moscow)- Period early 18th Century
1700/1730 circa - The most stern and solemn variant of the Virgin
Hodegetria - Its chief distinction from an Iconography
point of view is that the Christ-Child is depicted
full face -
The legend says it was brought to Russia from
Byzantium, was kept from the 12th century in
the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Smolensk -
In the 15th century the Icon was in Moscow
for a time, but in 1465 it was returned to the
people of Smolensk - The Virgin of
Smolensk became particularly popular in the
16th century -
Handpainted with
egg tempera over wood panel - Kovcheg (raised border) -
Very well painted icon with the typical Novodevichy style -
in orignal state of conservation with some old restoration -
On the back, the wood is still covered with an old 18th Century
embroidered canvas to protect the decorations of the wall where the
icon was hanged up -
Size: cm 26 x 31 (10½" x 12½" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Back Image
early 18th Century
1700/1730 circa |
€ 1.900
€ 1.650
Size: cm 26 x 31
Size: 10½" x 12½" inc

Nr.P7 |

Fine Old Icon "Oumilenie Mother of God" - also known as Eleousa (from greek) -
Yaroslavl School - Period late 18th Century 1780 circa -
Icon of good quality almost certainly made by a master painter -
The painting represents the "Eleousa Mother of God" (meaning Merciful) in this variant signed Igorevskaya
Virgin of Eleousa
known in Russia as Oumilenie
On most icons of Eleousa Mother of God the child is painted on left side - In this edition the child is painted on right side, like to remember the Virgin of Khlinov in shoulder length - The icon of Oumilenie Mother of God, also known as Eleousa, is considered one of the most touching and attractive image depicting
the Mother caressing her child, like in the most versions of the Vergin of Vladimir -

The main distinctive
feature of this particular iconography is that the
Jesus Child has his face pressed against the
cheek of the Virgin and one arm around her neck -
The name Oumilenie (russian) derives from the greek word Eleousa - The icon depicts the Virgin Mary admiring the Child who usually, in Eleousa or Oumilenie icons, is seen with his cheek pressed to his mother's, and embracing her. The popularity of this type was promoted by a miracle-working Eleousa icon brought from Constantinople to Vyshgorod near Kiev in the early 12th century. In 1155 Prince Andriy Bogolyubsky transferred it to Vladimir city and the icon eventually came to be known as the Virgin of Vladimir. Due to its outstanding artistic merits it became a palladium of the Russian state, and legends concerning its miracles were widespread

Many copies of it were made.Though the Ukrainian icon from the village of Dorosyni belongs to the same Eleousa type it has nevertheless a number of significant original features: the Child is painted in the right part of the composition (while in the Virgin of Vladimir, the child is on the left) as in Hodigitria type icons. The artist also created an unusual image of the Mother of God. Her face has an air of artless innocence and bears an expression of defenselessness, deeply moving in the light of the sufferings in store for her and her Child -

Icon painted with egg tempera on Gold leaf applied on wood panel -
High quality school painting -
Very good original condition -
Icon is painted with predominant use of ochre colour and red bordeaux,
some green and various yellow tone nuances obtained with the Gold leaf of the background
Some old minor restoration on small area
- Size: cm 36 x 42 (14¼" x 16½" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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. .
Eleousa 16th Century - Eleousa 15th Century
Century 1780 circa |
€ 3.200
€ 2.800
Size : cm 36 x 42
Size: 14¼" x 16½" inc

Nr.P8 |

Old Russian Icon Mother of God of
Joy to All Who Sorrow - Russian workshop of Kaluga Gubernia region - Period late 17th century 1680/1690 - This first type of icon appeared in Russia in 1688 -
The Virgin is flanked by Angels with poor and sick people asking for help in their needs -
Mother of God and an Angel are in the ship below as guard of sailors -
The prayer for asking hers help is this:
"O Mistress, help us by having mercy on us,
hurry to our help for we are perishing from
the multitude of our sins; do not turn your
servants away empty, for you are the only hope we have"
Hand painted with egg tempera on wood panel - some part with gilded leaf applied - Kovcheg (raised border)
- Icon in good original condition with a small old restoration on the borders -
Size: cm 26,5 x 31 (10¼" x 12¼" inc) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Side Image
Wood Back Image
Age: late 17th Century 1680/1690 circa
€ 1.700
€ 1.400
Size: cm 26,5 x 31
Size:10¼" x 12¼" inc

Nr.P9 |

Extra Large Photo

Superb Important Icon "Saint Nicholas" the Miracle worker -
Mstera School late 18th Century - 1780 circa - Icon of good quality over Gold and silver
leaf on wood panel - good state of conservation - two wood splines on the back -
Kovcheg (raised border) - The painting represents St. Nicholas with the miracle of Nikiisk -
Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary beside - On the borders two Saint Protectors:
the Guardian Angel and Saint Jacob brother of God - Icon with miraculous powers!
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Saint Nicholas is venerated in the East as
miracle worker and in the West as patron of
a great variety of persons - children, mariners,
bankers, pawn-brokers, scholars, orphans, laborers,
travelers, merchants, judges, paupers, marriageable maidens,
students, children, sailors, victims of judicial mistakes,
captives, perfumers, lowyers -
He is known as the friend and protector of all in
trouble or need - The remains of St. Nicholas
now repose principally in Bari, Italy,
having been transported there in 1087 A.D.
after Myra (now Demre, Turkey) fell to Islamic invaders -
A fragrant liquid called "myrrh" still exudes
from the relics - Miracles are performed even
today through the intercessions of St. Nicholas -
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Mstera iconographers were famous for their masterly painting in the ancient manner -
A very indicative feature (a secret technique of Mstera) is the gluing of gold leaf threads
to the basement of melted garlic juice (which is called assist) -
The icon painted by an individual order - The borders depict a Guardian Angel and
St. Jacob the Brother of God - Very good state of preservation -
Highest level of painting with Gold and Silver leaf decorations -
A rare collection piece - This icon is a real artwork of russian Iconography
and has a museum and collection significance
- Size: cm 26 x 31 (10¼" x 12¼" inches)
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order

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See the story of Saint Nicholas on Youtube
Age: late 18th Century 1780 circa
€ 2.900
€ 2.600
Size: cm 26 x 31
Size: 10¼" x 12¼" inc

Nr.P10 |

Old Icon Kazan Mother of God -
Moscow School middle 18th Century 1760 circa -
Handpainted with egg tempera on Gold leaf over convas applied on wood panel -
Mother of God with Child - The Kazan icon is related to the iconographical
type of hymn in praise of the Virgin, known as
the Odigitry icon ( from Greek it means "guide")
This icon
depicts the Virgin in half-.length with the
blessing God-Child. In Byzantium, this iconography
was related to the Vlakherin icon of the Virgin.
In Russia, the icon was named after Kazan,
the place of a miraculous occurrence on July 8, 1579.
Prince Dmitry Pozharsky freed Moscow holding
the Kazan icon of the Virgin on October 22, 1612.
The church celebration of the icon occurs on these
two days -

The Virgin of Kazan was considered the
protectress of all Russia -
Icon made in old russian traditions of 18th century - Kovcheg (raised border) -
Handpainted with egg tempera over Gold leaf applied on canvas
and finally on wood panel -

The Gold leaf
on canvas is a more refined and expensive technique than
the gild method applied directly on wood panel -
two hollows on the back -
Icon is painted with ochre, red, green and in various tones -
Good state of preservation with some small old restoration
- Size: cm 31 x 35,5 (12¼" x 14" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Back Image
middle 18th Century 1760 circa
€ 2.900
€ 2.600
Size: cm 31 x 35,5
Size: 12¼" x 14" inc

Nr.P11 |

Old Icon "Saint Nicholas" the Miracleworker -
Yaroslavl School early 19th Century - 1800/1830 circa - Icon of good quality on Gold
leaf over wood panel - good state of conservation -
Kovcheg (raised border) - Two wood splines on the back -
Saint Nicholas is venerated in the East as
miracle worker and in the West as patron of
a great variety of persons - children, mariners,
bankers, pawn-brokers, scholars, orphans, laborers,
travelers, merchants, judges, paupers, marriageable maidens,
students, children, sailors, victims of judicial mistakes,
captives, perfumers, lowyers -
He is known as the friend and protector of all in
trouble or need - The remains of St. Nicholas
now repose principally in BARI, Italy,
having been transported there in 1087 A.D.
after Myra (now Demre, Turkey) fell to Islamic invaders -
A fragrant liquid called "myrrh" still exudes
from the relics - Miracles are performed even
today through the intercessions of St. Nicholas -
The painting represents St. Nicholas with the miracle of Nikiisk -
Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary beside -
Yaroslavl was famous for the iconography art made with old
russian tradition -
Icon painted by an individual order - Good state of preservation with some small
old restoration -
Very good level of painting with several Gild leaf decorations
- Size: cm 26 x 31 (10¼" x 12" inches)
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Back Image
Age: early 19th Century 1800/1830 circa
€ 1.600
€ 1.300
Size: cm 26 x 31
Size: 10¼" x 12¼" inc

Nr.P12 |

Old Russian Icon Virgin of Smolensk -
Tver School - Period middle19th Century 1840 circa - The most stern and solemn variant of the Virgin
Hodegetria - Its chief distinction from an Iconography
point of view is that the Christ-Child is depicted
full face -
The legend says it was brought to Russia from
Byzantium, was kept from the 12th century in
the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Smolensk -
In the 15th century the Icon was in Moscow
for a time, but in 1465 it was returned to the
people of Smolensk - The Virgin of
Smolensk became particularly popular in the
16th century

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Handpainted with egg tempera on Gold leaf over wood panel -
Tver Region School (Volga river) - Period middle 19th Century - 1840 circa -

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Very well painted icon with a characteristic ochra colour, red, red bordeaux, green
and in orignal state of conservation with minor old restoration - old cyrillic inscription on the back

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On the back icon there is the following cyrillic insription:
"n. 4 - Icon donated to Mrs Sonya Haypan later given to Peter Haritonov Kobalkin,
city of Smolensk, in presence of the minister Alexander friend of the Tzar - year 1909"

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Size: cm 30 x 35,2 (12" x 13¾" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Side Image
Wood Back Image
middle 19th Century
1840 circa |
€ 1.400
€ 950
Size: cm 30 x 35,2
Size: 12" x 13¾" inc

Nr.P13 |

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A Superb Old Russian Icon depicting the
Mother of God Hodegetria of Tichvin
A large painting iconostasis of Moscow
School middle 17th century 1640/1650 circa - The icon is
painted in an extremely classical style very near
to the Byzantine tradition -
In this monumental church icon Mary, the Mother
of God, wears a deep crimson-purple mantle -
The purple colour alludes to her divine destiny, as
the Mother of Christ - On her forehead and
shoulders are placed three stars representing
her virginity before, during and after Christ's birth
- With her right hand she indicates the
Christ Child who is seated on
her left arm -
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The child is dressed as a classical
philosopher in a mantle decorated with
gold lines - With His right hand He makes a
benedictory gesture, in His left hand He holds
a rolled book scroll - Above His head
is His name in Greek: IC XC (Jesus Christ) -
Also in Greek to the left and right
of Mary's head: MR UÈ (Mother of God)
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In Russia the Tichvin Mother of God (Tichvinskaia)
is the best-known variation of the Hodegetria prototype -
The most important difference is that the Christ Child
has crossed His right leg beneath His left, revealing
the bare sole of His right foot - According to legend
the original Tichvin Mother of God icon first appeared
in 1383 above Lake Ladoga, from where it floated
through the air to the little town of Tichvin, halting on
the banks of the river Tichvinka - A wooden church was built
on this spot in honour of the icon and a monastery later
founded, in 1560 - Important historical events have been
attributed to the miraculous power of the Tichvinskaia,
in particular the Swedes failed attempt to capture the
monastery in 1613, and the successful peace negotiations
held at Stolbovo in 1617, when Eastern
Karelia were granted to Sweden, and Novgorod returned under
Russian rule - The feast of the Tichvinskaia is celebrated
on 26 June - The icon was honored all along Russia,
especially it was used in cases of children got sick -
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Handpainted with egg tempera over wood panel -
Two hollows on back - Kovcheg (raised border)
- Moscow School - 1640/1650 circa - Very well painted icon
and in orignal state of conservation with some minor old restoration -
This icon is a real Artwork of Iconography and has a museum and collection significance -
Size: cm 44,5 x 53,5 (17½" x 21" inches) -
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Tichvin Icon of 16th Century Hermitage Museum

Prices of some Tichvin Icons
middle 17th Century
1640/1650 circa |
€ 7.000
€ 5.800
Size: cm 44,5 x 53,5
Size: 17½" x 21" inc

Nr.P14 |
Foto Extra Large

Old Rare Mandylion Icon
in the Superb original version of the russian iconography
- St. Petersburg School middle 18th Century 1750/1760 circa -
Very rare and interesting painting on Gold leaf applied over wood panel

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This icon is also known as "The Sudarium" or Savior
Uncreated by Human Hands (Nerukotvorny Obraz Gospoda Nashego
Isusa Khrista ) - The depiction is inspired
by a legend that Christ’s image remained on a cloth
that He used to wipe His face. Abgar, The King
of Edessa, was suffering from leprosy. Hearing of
the many miracles performed by Jesus Christ, the King sent his archivist
Hannan to look for Jesus to heal him.
As Jesus couldn't come, Hannan tried
to draw him but with no success "because
of the inexpressible glory in his face
which changed in grace."
So Christ got a cloth himself and put
it on his face and his visage were
impressed on the Mandylion
(mandylion is an aramaic word that means cloth, handkerchief).

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As soon as the King saw the Jesus face impressed on
the Mandylion, he was healed and became converted.
Later the king attached this
cloth to a board and placed it on a niche on the gate
of the city. Tile was then used as a covering for
the cloth and legend says that the image appeared on
the tile as well. In the russian iconography of the late
16th and 17th centuries, the painted
figures of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel appeared
holding up the Mandylion cloth.

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Icon in good condition of conservation
Size: cm 40,5 x 48,5 (16" x 19" inches)
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Back Image
middle 18th
Century 1750/1760 circa |
€ 3.900
€ 3.200
Size: cm 40,5 x 48,5
Size: 16" x 19" inc

Nr.A2 |

Superb Old Icon Troeruchitsa "Three Hands Mother of God -
Exceptional icon on Gold applied on wood panel -
Mstera School - Period middle 18th century 1760 circa -
Rare work executed with dark tonalities similar to the Virgin of Loreto -
The original one is a famous Mt. Athos Icon still kept at
the Serbian Monastery of Khilandari -
The origin of this miracle working icon is closely linked
with the name of St. John of Damascus, a noted writer,
poet and Church figure.
In 717, Byzantine Emperor Leo
the Isaurian decided to destroy St. John by defaming him
in the eyes of the Prince of Damascus - The Emperor Leo
commissioned a skilful scribe to forge a letter, ostensibly
sent to him by St. John, with a proposal to capture the
inadequately fortified city of Damascus and forwarded that
letter to the Prince.

The Prince believed the Emperor's lie
libel and ordered to cut off St. John's hand and exhibit
it in the city's main square as a warning to other traitors -
Some time later, the Prince took pity on St. John and gave
him his cut off hand back - Having received it, St. John fell
on his knees before an icon of the Mother of God and began
to beg Her for a cure - Later, when he fell asleep,
the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and
told him that his hand had been healed - When he opened
his eyes, he saw his hand was whole sane again, after
which he decided to devote himself to monastic life.

As a token of gratitude for the miracle, St. John made
a silver representation of his hand and attached it over
the Virgin icon image - Since then the icon became
famous and the figure of the Virgin with three hands was
painted in all Russia -
The Icon is painted on Gold leaf applied over wood panel -
various tones of red, green and ochre -
Good state of preservation
- Size: cm 25,5 x 31 (10" x 12½" inches)
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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middle 18th Century 1760 circa
€ 2.600
€ 2.300
Size: cm 25,5 x 31
Size: 10" x 12½" inc

Nr.A3 |

Superb Old Icon "Old Testament Trinity" -
Moscow School - Period early 19th Century 1830 circa -
Here the three Angels who appeared to the Old Testament Prophet
Abraham are shown seated at a table - While they are not so
identified, many understood them as thus: Christ at center,
above him the tree symbolizing the wood of the Cross;
God the Father at left and the Holy Spirit on the right -
When Abraham was already
an old man, God appeared to him "by the oaks of Mamre"
in the form of three men or Angels - Abraham and his wife,
Sarah, showed them hospitality, slaughtering a calf to
cook for them and baking bread.

Theologians interpret
these Angels as being the three persons of the Trinity:
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit -
The Second Ecumenical Council, held in Constantinople
in 381, affirmed the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, that
God is three persons in one essence -
In Byzantine and Russian icon compositions the
three Angels were depicted seated at a table
with Abraham and Sarah in the shade of an oak-tree with
Abraham's house alongside and hills, or cliffs, in the background -

There was frequently also a scene of the calf being
slaughtered - A simplified variant icon showed only the three
Angels at the table.
In the 17th century, interest in the Biblical
account grew up and compositions began to include more details
which reflected Russian everyday life -

Icon painted with egg tempera on Gold leaf applied on wood panel - Two splines on top and bottom along the borders -
Very good quality painting -
Icon is painted with a wide use of ochre, red
of various tones and gold nuances - Kovcheg (raised border) -
Good state of preservation and some minor old restoration
- Size: cm 26 x 31 (10¼" x 12¼" inches)
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order -
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early 19th
Century 1830 |
€ 1.600
€ 1.200
Size : cm 26 x 31
Size: 10¼" x 12¼" inc

Nr.A4 |

Old Russian Icon of Mother of God Remove my Sorrows -
Novgorod School middle 18th Century 1750/1760 circa -
Here Christ reclines on His mother's knee and holds
an open scroll
Utoli Moya Pechali
Mary's right hand against her cheek in
the distinct 2 fingered blessing position favored by
the Old Believers - The prototype of the Icon first
revealed its miraculous powers in Moscow, in the year
1640 -
Handpainted Icon with egg tempera over
Gold leaf applied on wood panel - Kovcheg (raised border) -
Very nice quality of painting - Icon in original state
of conservation with some small old restoration -
Size: cm 26,5 x 31 (10½" x 12½" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Back Image
middle 19th Century
1750/1760 circa |
€ 1.900
€ 1.600
Size: cm 26,5 x 31
Size: 10½" x 12½" inc

Nr.A5 |

Superb old Icon "Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus
Christ" - The upper part of the Crucifix includes an image of
the Mandylion, the corners are occupied by the sun and the moon,
and two angels with veiled hands bow to receive the soul of the Crucified.
- Palekh School - Period late 18th century
- 1790/1800 circa - Icon painted on wood panel in the form of a cross -
Some parts are covered with Gold leaf -
This type of composition makes the icon extremely rare to find -
Hand painted with egg tempera over wood panel -
The shape of the Cross is called - "eight-pointed', i.e.
one vertical and three horizontal beams:
the first upper part is for the sentence title (INRI) -
the second for the hands - On the left side is painted Mary Mother of God -
On the right part there is St. John the forerunner -
The third beam on the bottom is the footboard -
Here are depicted the walls of Jerusalem and on the bottom the Adam's skull -
The shape of the Cross was adopted from Byzantium,
while the inclination of the lower beam is a purely
Russian development - In Eastern compositions Christ
is crucified by four nails and not by three as in the Western art -
The Savior is pictured dead with closed eyes or alive with open
eyes, depending on the different moments of the Passion -
The cross is cm 39,5 height (15" inches) -
The icon is delicately painted with bright colours
in the old russian tradition with ochre, red and blue/green tonalities -
Good original state of preservation
Size: cm 24,5 x 40 (9¾" x 15¾" inches)
Provenance: Christie's S.K. - London (GB)
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Wood Back Image
Age: late
18th Century 1790/1800 circa
€ 2.800
€ 2.400
Size: cm 24,5 x 40
Size: 9¾" x 15¾" inc

Nr.A7 |

Superb Old Icon "Saint Michael Arkhistrategos"
(Chief Captain of the host) - Saint Petersburg School -
Period middle 18th Century 1760 circa - Handpainted with egg tempera over Gold leaf
on wood panel - Two wood splines on the back -
Kovcheg (raised border) - High quality painting -
Here Michael's depiction
is based on the Book of Revelation - He is shown as
the chief captain of the heavenly armies (Greek:Arkhistrategos - russian: Voeveda)

He sits upon a red winged horse,
wearing a crown and a trump extending to his mouth -
In one hand he holds simultaneously the trumpet bringing the
word of God, a thurible (the incense holder) and a lance to defeat the evil -
In the other hand the book of Gospels -
On the bottom the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah - On the
top left the image of Christ Immanuel-
The Archangel Michael is associated
both with the visionary destruction in the Apocalypse and
with the Old Testament destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah -
The Apocalypse of St John shows us the celestial war,
in which Michael and his Angels fight against the dragon
and his demons, a war which continues on earth in the
spiritual combats in which men are assisted by Angels -
The Archangel Michael presides over the struggle against the forces of demons -
Icon in good condition of conservation with some old restoration
- Size: cm 30,5 x 35,5 (12” x 14” inches)
- Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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middle 18th
Century 1760 circa |
Size: cm 30,5 x 35,5
Size: 12” x 14” inc

Nr.A8 |

Fine Old Icon "Vladimirskaja Mother of God" -
St. Petersburg School - Period middle 18th Century 1740/1750 circa -
Icon of good quality almost certainly made by a master painter -
The painting represents the "Tenderness Mother of God" of Vladimir -
The icon is considered one of the fine subject -
The Mother of God Vladimirskaya is
the most touching and attractive image depicting
the Mother caressing her child
The main distinctive
feature of this particular iconography is that the
Jesus Child has his face pressed against the
cheek of the Virgin and one arm around her neck -
The name of the Icon derives from the long period
during which the original was kept in the city of

According to legend this Icon was painted
by Saint Luke the Evangelist and was kept in Jerusalem,
Constantinople, and finally in Kiev, before
Prince Andrei Bogoliubsky removed it to Vladimir -
The Icon gained a reputation for playing a role
in military victories, particularly for saving
Moscow from attack by Tamerlane (mongolian ruler of Samarkand) -
Icon painted with egg tempera on Gold leaf applied on wood panel -
High quality school painting -
Very good condition -
Icon is painted with predominant use of ochre colour and red bordeaux,
some green and various Yellow tone nuances obtained with the Gold leaf of the background
- Kovcheg (raised border) -
Some old minor restoration on the borders
- Size: cm 26 x 32 (10¼" x 12½" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Century 1740/1750 circa |
Size : cm 26 x 32
Size: 10¼" x 12½" inc

Nr.A9 |

Old Russian Icon
"Mother of God of the Sign" also called
the Virgin Orans (praying) or
Great Panagia (from greek "all Saint") -
Superb icon cm 26,6 x 31 (10½" x 12¼" inc) - Novgorod school -
Period middle 18th Century 1760 circa -
Painting with egg tempera on gild leaf -
Icon of good quality almost certainly made by a master painter -
A half-length depiction of the Virgin with raised
hands and Christ-Emmanuel on her chest - Emmanuel
means "God with us" in Hebrew and is the name used
by the prophet Isaiah when writing of the coming
Messiah. This type of Virgin was well-known in Byzantium
and common in early Russia, especially in Novgorod where
a 12th century icon of this type was kept, considered
to be the city's holiest treasure and its protection -
A legend tells that the Novgorod Icon miraculously
saved the city when the men of Suzdal were besieging
it in 1169 - In Russian Iconostases a composition of
the Virgin of the Sign occupied the central position
in the prophets row as a visual expression of the
prophecies about the birth of Christ -
Icon painted with egg tempera on Gilded leaf applied on cypress wood panel -Two wood splines on the back - Kovcheg (raised border)
- High quality school painting -
Icon is painted with predominant use of ochre and cream colours - some decorations
in blue, green and red bordeaux -
Very good condition - Size: cm 26,6 x 31 (10½" x 12¼" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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17th Century - - - 18th Century
Virgin of Sign
Yaroslavl - 12th Century
middle 18th
Century 1760 circa |
Size : cm 26,6 x 31
Size: 10½" x 12¼" inc

Nr.A10 |

Old Russian Icon depicting the
Mother of God Hodegetria of Tikhvin -
Painting iconostasis of Saint Petersburg
School - Period late 18th century 1780 circa - The icon is
painted in an extremely classical style very near
to the Byzantine tradition -
In this monumental church icon Mary, the Mother
of God, wears a deep dark crimson-purple mantle -
That colour alludes to her divine destiny, as
the Mother of Christ - On her forehead and
shoulders are placed three stars representing
her virginity before, during and after Christ's birth
- With her right hand she indicates the
Christ Child who is seated on
her left arm
The child is dressed as a classical
philosopher in a mantle decorated with
gold lines - With His right hand He makes a
benedictory gesture, in His left hand He holds
a rolled book scroll - Above His head
is His name in Greek: IC XC (Jesus Christ) -
Also in Greek to the left and right
of Mary's head: MR UÈ (Mother of God)
In Russia the Tikhvin Mother of God (Tikhvinskaya)
is the best-known variation of the Hodegetria prototype -
The most important difference is that the Christ Child
has crossed His right leg beneath His left, revealing
the bare sole of His right foot
According to legend
the original Tikhvin Mother of God icon first appeared
in 1383 above Lake Ladoga, from where it floated
through the air to the little town of Tikhvin, halting on
the banks of the river Tikhvinka - A wooden church was built
on this spot in honour of the icon and a monastery later
founded, in 1560 - Important historical events have been
attributed to the miraculous power of the Tikhvinskaya,
in particular the Swedes failed attempt to capture the
monastery in 1613, and the successful peace negotiations
held at Stolbovo in 1617, when Eastern
Karelia were granted to Sweden, and Novgorod returned under
Russian rule - The feast of the Tikhvinskaya is celebrated
on 26 June - The icon was honored all along Russia,
especially it was used in cases of children got sick -
Handpainted with egg tempera over wood panel -
Two hollows on back
- St. Petersburg School 1780 circa - Very well painted icon
in orignal state of conservation with some old restoration - On bottom right the Saint protector of the house St. Nicholas -
This icon is a real artwork of Iconography and has a collection significance -
Original state of conservation with some old minor restoration -
Size: cm 30 x 37,5 (12" x 15" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Virgin of Tikhvin 16th Century
late 18th Century
1780 circa |
Size: cm 30 x 37,5
Size: 12" x 15" inc

Nr.A11 |

Old Icon Kazan Mother of God -
Moscow School late 18th Century 1780/1800 circa -
Handpainted with egg tempera on Gold leaf over wood panel -
Mother of God with Child - Beside two home saint protectors - The Kazan icon is related to the iconographical
type of hymn in praise of the Virgin, known as
the Odigitry icon ( from Greek it means "guide")
This icon
depicts the Virgin in half-.length with the
blessing God-Child. In Byzantium, this iconography
was related to the Vlakherin icon of the Virgin.
In Russia, the icon was named after Kazan,
the place of a miraculous occurrence on July 8, 1579.
Prince Dmitry Pozharsky freed Moscow holding
the Kazan icon of the Virgin on October 22, 1612.
The church celebration of the icon occurs on these
two days -
The Virgin of Kazan was considered the
protectress of all Russia.
Icon made in old russian traditions of 18th century - Kovcheg (raised border) -
Icon is painted with ochre, red, green and in various tones -
Good state of preservation with some small old restoration
- Size: cm 26,5 x 31 (10½" x 12¼" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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late 18th Century 1780/1800 circa
Size: cm 26,5 x 31
Size: 10½" x 12¼" inc

Nr.A13 |

Old Icon "Jesus Christ Pantocrator"
- Yaroslavl School late 18th Century 1770/1780 circa - Interesting painting
on wood panel - Kovcheg (raised border) -
Icon of high level, painted in the old 16th Century russian tradition
with typical soft colours - The predominant tonalities are the dark ochre
of the background, the red-purple of the vest with some yellow-gold decorations and
the dark bluish coat - The icon represents Jesus Christ delivering a blessing
with his right hand, while in his left hand He holds the book of Gospels open to Matthew
"Vsya Mnye Predana Buisha Ot Otsa Moego" -
All Things are delivered to me by my Father"...
Very fine icon in good condition with some minor old restoration -
Two hollows on the back and two protective splines inserted on
the grooves of the wood borders along the upper and lower part -
On the back, the wood panel shows a dark layer of an old compound treatment
against woodworm
Size: cm 27 x 31,5 (10½" x 12½" inches)
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Back Image
late 18th
Century 1770/1780 circa |
Size: cm 27 x 31,5
Size: 10½" x 12½" inc

Nr.A14 |

Old Icon quadripartite "Jesus Resurrection,
St. Nicholas, St. George, Mother of God of Joy for all who suffer" -
Russian School Volga region -
Period middle 17° century 1640/1650 circa - The icon is very unusual and is in four sections -
The painting contains 4 subjects: The Jesus Christ Resurrection and Saint Nicholas (top sections),
Saint George and the Mother of God of Joy for all who suffer (bottom sections) -

Icon on wood panel with two hollows on the back - Kovcheg (raised border) -
Very old icon middle 17th Century -
Size: cm 25 x 30 (10" x 12" inches) -
Icon in original state of conservation - Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Back Image
Two icons of 17th Century
Age: middle
17th Century 1640/1650 circa
€ 1.300
€ 980
Size: cm 25 x 30
Size: 10" x 12" inc

Nr.A17 |

Old Icon Menological Calendar Month of August -
Russian Icon early 19th Century - Calendar Icon of all the Saints of August month -
Very fine painting with miniature details -
Moscow School 1800/1820 circa -
Icon made in traditions of russian iconography -
Handpainted with egg tempera over Gold leaf on wood panel -
Icon is painted with ochre, green, red and in various tones and Gold nuances - Kovcheg (raised border) -
Good state of preservation
- Size: cm cm 37,5 x 44,5 (14¾" x 17½" inches) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Back Image
early 19th
Century 1800/1820 circa |
Size: cm cm 37,5 x 44,5
Size: 14¾" x 17½" inc

Nr.A18 |

Old Russian Icon Mother of God of
Joy to All Who Suffer -
Virgin Mary stands in the center - Suffering humans are gathered
on both sides with Angels among them -
Open scrolls bear petitions of the people -
At central top: the blessing Jesus Christ - On the borders the home's protectors: the Guardian Angel and Saint Pelagia
Known in Russia since the 1680s, the iconography of Our
Lady the Joy of All Afflicted emerged under spectacular
influences of several Roman Catholic types. Hence its many
variants, largely differing on many points. They have only
one feature in common - the figures of sufferers praying
to the Virgin, the Protectress interceding for them -
This variant adds to the Virgin figure a crowd of
sufferers divided in two groups with the following attributes:
seniors, the unclothed,
the sick, the afflicted, the hungry and travellers, all
consoled by angels at Her bidding.
Moscow School middle 19th century 1840/1850 circa -
Hand painted with some gold leaf applied
on wood panel -
Icon in good original condition with minor restoration -
Size: cm 26,5 x 31 (10½" x 12" inc) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: middle 19th Century 1840/1850 circa
Size: cm 26,5 x 31
Size:10½" x 12" inc

Nr.A19 |

Superb Old Russian Icon of Jesus Christ's Resurrection with 12 Feasts
- The complex central painting with a lot detailed figures on the topic of Passover.
In the lower section of the central painting Jesus Christ goes down to the
Hell. He stands on the fallen gates of Hell and he grasps the hand of Adam,
while Eva is kneeling down to his feet.
The Patriarchs, the Prophets and the Saint
exit from the jaws of the beast, represented with big red mouth of
a monster - In the opposite lower corner, Christ saves Peter from
the sea waters - Going to the kingdom of skies are depicting the righteous ones like
Solomon, David and John the Baptist - Over this scene, Jesus
Christ standing up on his empty tomb -
The central panel is surrounded by 12
of the major Church feast days. In order from left towards right
there are: the Nativity of Mary - the Virgin Presentation to the Temple - the
Annunciation - the Nativity of Christ - the Jesus Presentation to the Temple -
the Baptism of Jesus - the Entrance in Jerusalem - the Transfiguration -
the Descent of the Holy Spirit - the Old Testament Trinity - the Exaltation of the Cross
- the Dormition of Mary - On the corners are depicted the 4 evangelists -
Kostroma School (Volga region) - Period late 18th Century 1780/1800 circa -
Two wood splines on the back - Kovcheg (raised border) -
Beautiful scenery icon with over 88 figures- Painting on Gilt leaf -
Size cm 30 x 35,5 (12" x 14" inches) -
In good state of conservation -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Wood Back Image
Age: late 18th
Century 1780/1800 circa |
Size:cm 30 x 35,5
Size: 12" x 14" inc

Nr.A21 |

Very Rare Icon "The Dormition of St. Anna", the mother of Mary
(mother of God) painted in a house scenery background -
Moscow School late 18th century 1780/1800 circa
- St. Anna reclines in bed as two angels descend from Heaven -
A rare icon subject to find - This is a real artwork of russian Iconography
and has a museum and collection significance -

St Anna, the mother of the Mary ( the Theotokos), was the wife of St Joachim and the daughter of Mattham, a Levi priest.
According to tradition, St. Anna is invoked for conceiving children, and for help in difficult childbirth -

According to Tradition, she died peacefully
in Jerusalem at age of 79, before the Annunciation
to the Most Holy Theotokos -
During the reign of St. Justinian the Emperor
(527-565), a church was built in her
honor at Deutera - Emperor Justinian II
(685-695) restored her church,
since St. Anna had appeared to his pregnant wife -
It was at this time that her body and maphorion (veil)
were transferred to Constantinople -
The Orthodox Church commemorates the dormition of St Anna on 25th of July -
Icon painted on Gold leaf applied over wood panel - In good original condition -
some small old restoration on
the bottom
- Size: cm 28,5 x 33,5 (11¼" x 13¼" inches)
- Payment: Bank Money transfer or
International Postal Order
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Wood Side Image
Wood Back Image
Age: late
18th Century 1780/1800 circa
€ 1.600
€ 1.300
Size: cm 28,5 x 33,5
Size: 11¼" x 13¼" inc

Nr.A22 |

Old Russian Icon Mother of God of Unexpected Joy -
Saint Petersbourg School - Period late 18th Century 1780/1800 circa -
This icon depicts an interior in which a man
is standing before a large Icon of the Virgin who holds the child Jesus
on her left arm. The child bears the wounds of the crucifixion -
On the common icons of this subject, the man is represented "knelt" in front of the Mother of God -
In the "standing man" variant is put in evidence the moment in which the icon begins to bleed -

Unexpected Joy
The tale illustrated is this:
A certain man who led a sinful life was nonetheless devoted to the Mother of God and
daily venerated her Icon, repeating the words of the Archangel Gabrielle's greeting -
"Hail Mary, full of grace" - One day he made ready to go and blood began to pour out of them -
Falling to the floor the sinner cried out, "O Lady, who has done this?" The image replied:
""You and the other sinners who crucify my Son again with your sins"
The sinner repented and was forgiven, so the experience was a great "unexpected joy,"
thus the title of this icon type - The lettered panel seen below the image of the Mother of God provides
the beginning of the tale - Hand painted on gold leaf applied on wood panel - A very fine quality
painting - Icon in good condition -
Size: 25,5 x 30,5 (10" x 12" inc) -
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Kneeling Figure Variant
Age: late 18th Century 1780/1800 circa
€ 1.800
€ 1.500
Size: cm 25,5 x 30,5
Size: 10" x 12" inc

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