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Gallery 2 : Oil Paintings

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Oil painting on copper representing "Nativity of Jesus" - Flamish school - Period early 19th century 1830/1840 circa - Painting on copper with small old restoration - Recently cleaned and in good state of conservation - Conteporary frame added lately -

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Painting Size: cm 30 x 33 (12" x 13" inches) - Frame Size cm 35,5 x 38,5 (14½" x 15½" inches)

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Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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 early19th Century
1830/1840 circa


Painting Size: cm cm 30 x 33
Painting Size: 12" x 13" inc



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Oil Painting on wood panel "View of Dock with fishermen " - Dutch School - Period middle 19th Century 1880 circa -

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Painting size cm 39 x 74 - Non coeval frame made with veneer wood size cm 52 x 87,5

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Painting with small old restoration - Recently cleaned and in good state of conservation - Size: cm 39 x 74 (15½" x 29" inches) - Frame cm 52 x 87,5 (20½" x 34½" inches)- Valore $ 1.900

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 middle19th Century

€ 1.100
$ 1.354

Painting Size: cm 39 x 74
Painting Size: 15½" x 29" inc



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Naval engagement between english and dutch ships - Oil Painting on canvas - Dutch school 19th century - Follower of Van de Velde the younger - Painting size cm 38,5 x 61 (15" x 24" inc ) - Frame size: cm 48,5 x 71 (19" x 28" inc) - Value $ 2.000 - Payment: International Postal Money Order or Money Bank transfer
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Painting: cm 38,5 x 61 (15" x 24" inc )
Frame: cm 48,5 x 71 (19" x 28" inc)



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Boats near the docks - Flemish school - middle 19th Century - painting on wood panel cm 31 x 41 (12¼" x 16¼" inc) - old gilded frame - Value $ 2,500 - Payment: International Postal Money Order or Bank Money transfer

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Age: 19th Century
1860 circa

€ 1.200
$ 1,552

Size: cm 31 x 41
Size: 12¼" x 16¼" inc



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Fruit still life with plate and ceramic bottle within a landscape setting - Flemish school late 19th Century 1890/1900 - Painting on copper cm 40x50 with old frame - Painting in good state of conservation - Size: cm 40 x 50 (15¾" x 19¾" inches) - Value $ 2,550 -
Payment: International Postal Money Order or Bank Money transfer

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Age: late

€ 850
$ 1,089

Size: cm 40 x 50
Size: 15¾" x 19¾" inc



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Ducks attacked by a snarling spaniel at wooden river landscape - Painting on copper - Dutch School 19th Century 1870 circa - Painting Size: cm 19,5 x 28 (7¾" x 11" inc)- Frame Size: cm 29,5 x 37,5 (11¾" x 14¾" inc) - Value $ 1,475 - Provenance: Bonhams Auction London -

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Payment: International Postal Money Order or Bank Money transfer
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1870 circa

€ 550
$ 824

Painting: cm 19,5 x 28 (7¾" x 11" inc)
Frame: cm 29,5 x 37,5 (11¾" x 14¾" inc)



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Interior of tavern with figures - Flemish school late 18th century - Painting on copper cm 30 x 40 (11¾" x 15¾" inc) - Frame size: cm 34 x 43,5 (13½" x 17" inc) - Payment: International Postal Money order or Money Bank transfer Bigger Images are visible here:
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Age: late 18th Century


Painting: cm 30 x 40 (11¾" x 15¾" inc)
Frame: cm 34 x 43,5 (13½" x 17" inc)



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Flemish school still life of fruits - Painting on copper beginning of 20th century - Painting size cm 30 x 40 (12" x 15¾" inc.) - olive wood frame size cm 36,5 x 46 (14"x 18" inc)- Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: early
20th Century

€ 600
$ 845

Size: cm 30 x 40
Size: 11¾" x 15¾ inc



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Figure of 19th century italian soldier signed F.Marco Turchino 1899 - Famous painter specialist in painting uniforms and military ornament of the 19th century italian army like "garibaldi" - Follower of Fattori school - Painting on canvas size cm 27x40 - Value $ 6.000 - Payment: International Postal Money Order or Bank Money transfer
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late 19th Century

€ 4.600
$ 5.650

Size : cm 27 x 40
Size: 10¾" x 15¾ inches



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Mariano Imperatori

Oil painting Relitto - by Mariano Imperatori - Italian School 20th Century - signed" M. Imperatori 1974" - Painting Size cm 16 x 21 (6½" x 8½") - Frame Size cm 36,5 x 41 (14" x 16") - Value $ 1.300 -

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Mariano Imperatori Italian Painter born 9th January 1921 in Porto San Giorgio (AP) Italy - died 28th February 1979 - His artistic works are in the most important italian Galleries and abroad those are visible on Galleries and Museums of France, Belgium, Germany, Columbia, California USA.

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His paintings were in the main art exhibition Galleries in Bonn where the "Bella Marchigiana" painting was acquired in 1957 by the Chancellor of German Federal Republic Konrad Adenauer and the "Relitti" painting, first premium in Nice exhibition (France), was purchased by the King Baudouin of Belgium.

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The name of Mariano Imperatori is mentioned in the following publications:
"Encyclopaedia Seda , Il Quadrato, Criterium, Gente Nostra, Evoluzione del lavoro, Le Arti, Bolaffi Arte, Revue Moderne des Arts e de la Vie (Paris).

He partecipated in several exhibition contests and won some individual awards :
"Premium Il Tetto Roma, premium Marzotto Valdagno, premium Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Roma, premium Pittura Sassoferrato, premium Nazionale Pittura Padova, premium Cortina d'Ampezzo, premium Villa Olmo Como, premium pittura Sassari, premium pittura Dante Alighieri Roma, premium Nice (France), premium Vigevano, premium Genazzano Roma and several others."
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: late 20th

€ 800
$ 942


Painting: cm 16 x 21 (6½" x 8½")
Frame: cm 36,5 x 41 (14" x 16")



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Mariano Imperatori

Oil painting Conchiglie - by Mariano Imperatori - Italian School 20th Century - signed" M. Imperatori 1974" - Painting Size cm 15 x 20 (6" x 8") - Frame Size cm 36,5 x 41,5 (14" x 16¼") - Value $ 1.250 -

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Mariano Imperatori Italian Painter born 9th January 1921 in Porto San Giorgio (AP) Italy - died 28th February 1979 - His artistic works are in the most important italian Galleries and abroad those are visible on Galleries and Museums of France, Belgium, Germany, Columbia, California USA.

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His paintings were in the main art exhibition Galleries in Bonn where the "Bella Marchigiana" painting was acquired in 1957 by the Chancellor of German Federal Republic Konrad Adenauer and the "Relitti" painting, first premium in Nice exhibition (France), was purchased by the King Baudouin of Belgium.

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The name of Mariano Imperatori is mentioned in the following publications:
"Encyclopaedia Seda , Il Quadrato, Criterium, Gente Nostra, Evoluzione del lavoro, Le Arti, Bolaffi Arte, Revue Moderne des Arts e de la Vie (Paris).

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He partecipated in several exhibition contests and won some individual awards :
"Premium Il Tetto Roma, premium Marzotto Valdagno, premium Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Roma, premium Pittura Sassoferrato, premium Nazionale Pittura Padova, premium Cortina d'Ampezzo, premium Villa Olmo Como, premium pittura Sassari, premium pittura Dante Alighieri Roma, premium Nice (France), premium Vigevano, premium Genazzano Roma and several others."
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: late 20th

€ 800
$ 942

Painting: cm 15 x 20 (6" x 8")
Frame: cm 36,5 x 41,5 (14" x 16¼")



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Mariano Imperatori

Oil painting Conchiglie - by Mariano Imperatori - Italian School 20th Century - signed" M. Imperatori 1974" - Painting Size cm 15 x 20 (6" x 8") - Frame Size cm 36,5 x 41,5 (14" x 16¼") - Value $ 1.250 -

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Mariano Imperatori Italian Painter born 9th January 1921 in Porto San Giorgio (AP) Italy - died 28th February 1979 - His artistic works are in the most important italian Galleries and abroad those are visible on Galleries and Museums of France, Belgium, Germany, Columbia, California USA.

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His paintings were in the main art exhibition Galleries in Bonn where the "Bella Marchigiana" painting was acquired in 1957 by the Chancellor of German Federal Republic Konrad Adenauer and the "Relitti" painting, first premium in Nice exhibition (France), was purchased by the King Baudouin of Belgium.

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The name of Mariano Imperatori is mentioned in the following publications:
"Encyclopaedia Seda , Il Quadrato, Criterium, Gente Nostra, Evoluzione del lavoro, Le Arti, Bolaffi Arte, Revue Moderne des Arts e de la Vie (Paris).

He partecipated in several exhibition contests and won some individual awards :
"Premium Il Tetto Roma, premium Marzotto Valdagno, premium Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Roma, premium Pittura Sassoferrato, premium Nazionale Pittura Padova, premium Cortina d'Ampezzo, premium Villa Olmo Como, premium pittura Sassari, premium pittura Dante Alighieri Roma, premium Nice (France), premium Vigevano, premium Genazzano Roma and several others."
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: late 20th

€ 800
$ 942


Painting: cm 15 x 20 (6" x 8")
Frame: cm 36,5 x 41,5 (14" x 16¼")



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Mariano Imperatori

Oil painting Autumn - by Mariano Imperatori - Italian School 20th Century - signed" M. Imperatori 1974" - Painting Size cm 11 x 20 (4¾" x 8") - Frame Size cm 30 x 39,5 (12" x 15½") - Value $ 1.120 -

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Mariano Imperatori Italian Painter born 9th January 1921 in Porto San Giorgio (AP) Italy - died 28th February 1979 - His artistic works are in the most important italian Galleries and abroad those are visible on Galleries and Museums of France, Belgium, Germany, Columbia, California USA.

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His paintings were in the main art exhibition Galleries in Bonn where the "Bella Marchigiana" painting was acquired in 1957 by the Chancellor of German Federal Republic Konrad Adenauer and the "Relitti" painting, first premium in Nice exhibition (France), was purchased by the King Baudouin of Belgium.

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The name of Mariano Imperatori is mentioned in the following publications:
"Encyclopaedia Seda , Il Quadrato, Criterium, Gente Nostra, Evoluzione del lavoro, Le Arti, Bolaffi Arte, Revue Moderne des Arts e de la Vie (Paris).

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He partecipated in several exhibition contests and won some individual awards :
"Premium Il Tetto Roma, premium Marzotto Valdagno, premium Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Roma, premium Pittura Sassoferrato, premium Nazionale Pittura Padova, premium Cortina d'Ampezzo, premium Villa Olmo Como, premium pittura Sassari, premium pittura Dante Alighieri Roma, premium Nice (France), premium Vigevano, premium Genazzano Roma and several others."
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: late 20th

€ 700
$ 822

Painting: cm 11 x 20 (4¾" x 8")
Frame: cm 30 x 39,5 (12" x 15½")



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Mariano Imperatori

Oil painting Crostaceo - by Mariano Imperatori - Italian School 20th Century - signed " M. Imperatori 1974" - Painting Size cm 11 x 20 (4¾" x 8") - Frame Size cm 30 x 39,5 (12" x 15½") - Value $ 1.120 -

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Click the photo to see bigger image
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Mariano Imperatori Italian Painter born 9th January 1921 in Porto San Giorgio (AP) Italy - died 28th February 1979 - His artistic works are in the most important italian Galleries and abroad those are visible on Galleries and Museums of France, Belgium, Germany, Columbia, California USA.

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His paintings were in the main art exhibition Galleries in Bonn where the "Bella Marchigiana" painting was acquired in 1957 by the Chancellor of German Federal Republic Konrad Adenauer and the "Relitti" painting, first premium in Nice exhibition (France), was purchased by the King Baudouin of Belgium.

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The name of Mariano Imperatori is mentioned in the following publications:
"Encyclopaedia Seda , Il Quadrato, Criterium, Gente Nostra, Evoluzione del lavoro, Le Arti, Bolaffi Arte, Revue Moderne des Arts e de la Vie (Paris).

He partecipated in several exhibition contests and won some individual awards :
"Premium Il Tetto Roma, premium Marzotto Valdagno, premium Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Roma, premium Pittura Sassoferrato, premium Nazionale Pittura Padova, premium Cortina d'Ampezzo, premium Villa Olmo Como, premium pittura Sassari, premium pittura Dante Alighieri Roma, premium Nice (France), premium Vigevano, premium Genazzano Roma and several others."
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: late 20th

€ 700
$ 822

Painting: cm 11 x 20 (4¾" x 8")
Frame: cm 30 x 39,5 (12" x 15½")



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Mariano Imperatori

Oil painting Landscape - by Mariano Imperatori - Italian School 20th Century - signed" M. Imperatori 1975" - Painting Size cm 19,5 x 30 (7¾" x 12") - Frame Size cm 40,5 x 50 (16" x 19¾") - Value $ 1.760 -

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Click the photo to see bigger image
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Mariano Imperatori Italian Painter born 9th January 1921 in Porto San Giorgio (AP) Italy - died 28th February 1979 - His artistic works are in the most important italian Galleries and abroad those are visible on Galleries and Museums of France, Belgium, Germany, Columbia, California USA.

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His paintings were in the main art exhibition Galleries in Bonn where the "Bella Marchigiana" painting was acquired in 1957 by the Chancellor of German Federal Republic Konrad Adenauer and the "Relitti" painting, first premium in Nice exhibition (France), was purchased by the King Baudouin of Belgium.

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The name of Mariano Imperatori is mentioned in the following publications:
"Encyclopaedia Seda , Il Quadrato, Criterium, Gente Nostra, Evoluzione del lavoro, Le Arti, Bolaffi Arte, Revue Moderne des Arts e de la Vie (Paris).

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He partecipated in several exhibition contests and won some individual awards :
"Premium Il Tetto Roma, premium Marzotto Valdagno, premium Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Roma, premium Pittura Sassoferrato, premium Nazionale Pittura Padova, premium Cortina d'Ampezzo, premium Villa Olmo Como, premium pittura Sassari, premium pittura Dante Alighieri Roma, premium Nice (France), premium Vigevano, premium Genazzano Roma and several others."
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: late 20th

€ 950
$ 1.120

Painting: cm 19,5 x 30 (7¾" x 12")
Frame: cm 40,5 x 50 (16" x 19¾")



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Mariano Imperatori

Oil painting Vase with Flowers - by Mariano Imperatori - Italian School 20th Century - signed" M. Imperatori 1976" - Painting Size cm 24 x 34 (9½" x 13½") - Frame Size cm 46 x 56 (18" x 22") - Value $ 2.050 -

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Click the photo to see bigger image
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Mariano Imperatori Italian Painter born 9th January 1921 in Porto San Giorgio (AP) Italy - died 28th February 1979 - His artistic works are in the most important italian Galleries and abroad those are visible on Galleries and Museums of France, Belgium, Germany, Columbia, California USA.

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His paintings were in the main art exhibition Galleries in Bonn where the "Bella Marchigiana" painting was acquired in 1957 by the Chancellor of German Federal Republic Konrad Adenauer and the "Relitti" painting, first premium in Nice exhibition (France), was purchased by the King Baudouin of Belgium.

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The name of Mariano Imperatori is mentioned in the following publications:
"Encyclopaedia Seda , Il Quadrato, Criterium, Gente Nostra, Evoluzione del lavoro, Le Arti, Bolaffi Arte, Revue Moderne des Arts e de la Vie (Paris).

He partecipated in several exhibition contests and won some individual awards :
"Premium Il Tetto Roma, premium Marzotto Valdagno, premium Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Roma, premium Pittura Sassoferrato, premium Nazionale Pittura Padova, premium Cortina d'Ampezzo, premium Villa Olmo Como, premium pittura Sassari, premium pittura Dante Alighieri Roma, premium Nice (France), premium Vigevano, premium Genazzano Roma and several others."
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: late 20th

€ 1.400
$ 1.650

Painting: cm 24 x 34 (9½" x 13½")
Frame: cm 46 x 56 (18" x 22")



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Mariano Imperatori

Oil painting Still Life - by Mariano Imperatori - Italian School 20th Century - signed" M. Imperatori 1976" - Painting Size cm 28 x 38 (11" x 15") - Frame Size cm 52 x 62 (20½" x 24½") - Value $ 2.400 -

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Click the photo to see bigger image
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Mariano Imperatori Italian Painter born 9th January 1921 in Porto San Giorgio (AP) Italy - died 28th February 1979 - His artistic works are in the most important italian Galleries and abroad those are visible on Galleries and Museums of France, Belgium, Germany, Columbia, California USA.

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His paintings were in the main art exhibition Galleries in Bonn where the "Bella Marchigiana" painting was acquired in 1957 by the Chancellor of German Federal Republic Konrad Adenauer and the "Relitti" painting, first premium in Nice exhibition (France), was purchased by the King Baudouin of Belgium.

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The name of Mariano Imperatori is mentioned in the following publications:
"Encyclopaedia Seda , Il Quadrato, Criterium, Gente Nostra, Evoluzione del lavoro, Le Arti, Bolaffi Arte, Revue Moderne des Arts e de la Vie (Paris).

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He partecipated in several exhibition contests and won some individual awards :
"Premium Il Tetto Roma, premium Marzotto Valdagno, premium Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Roma, premium Pittura Sassoferrato, premium Nazionale Pittura Padova, premium Cortina d'Ampezzo, premium Villa Olmo Como, premium pittura Sassari, premium pittura Dante Alighieri Roma, premium Nice (France), premium Vigevano, premium Genazzano Roma and several others."
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: late 20th

€ 1.300
$ 1.530

Painting: cm 28 x 38 (11" x 15")
Frame: cm 52 x 62 (20½" x 24½")



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Mariano Imperatori

Oil painting Sea Shells - by Mariano Imperatori - Italian School 20th Century - signed " M. Imperatori 1976" - Size Painting cm 31 x 51 (12" x 20") - Frame size cm 50 x 70 (20" x 27½") - Value $ 2.540 -

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Click the photo to see bigger image
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Mariano Imperatori Italian Painter born 9th January 1921 in Porto San Giorgio (AP) Italy - died 28th February 1979 - His artistic works are in the most important italian Galleries and abroad those are visible on Galleries and Museums of France, Belgium, Germany, Columbia, California USA.

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His paintings were in the main art exhibition Galleries in Bonn where the "Bella Marchigiana" painting was acquired in 1957 by the Chancellor of German Federal Republic Konrad Adenauer and the "Relitti" painting, first premium in Nice exhibition (France), was purchased by the King Baudouin of Belgium.

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The name of Mariano Imperatori is mentioned in the following publications:
"Encyclopaedia Seda , Il Quadrato, Criterium, Gente Nostra, Evoluzione del lavoro, Le Arti, Bolaffi Arte, Revue Moderne des Arts e de la Vie (Paris).

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He partecipated in several exhibition contests and won some individual awards :
"Premium Il Tetto Roma, premium Marzotto Valdagno, premium Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Roma, premium Pittura Sassoferrato, premium Nazionale Pittura Padova, premium Cortina d'Ampezzo, premium Villa Olmo Como, premium pittura Sassari, premium pittura Dante Alighieri Roma, premium Nice (France), premium Vigevano, premium Genazzano Roma and several others."
Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: late 20th

€ 1.900
$ 2.230

Painting: cm 31 x 51 (12" x 20")
Frame: cm 50 x 70 (20" x 27½")



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Click the photo to visit Paolo Spada web page
Artist Web Page

Oil Painting Female Portrait - by Paolo Spada - Italian School 20th Century - Signed "Spada " Milan 1963 First Artist Period - Painting Size cm 12 x 17 (4¾" x 6¾") - Frame Size cm 26,5 x 31,5 (10½" x 12½") - Value $ 410 -

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Paolo Spada italian Painter born in Palazzolo Acreide ( SR ) 1st February 1934 - he lived for a while in Milano, Via Fiori Chiari, and now he is resident in Novara - His first exhibition at Gallery Antille of Milano 1964 - Personal exhibition : Internazionale Gallery Legnano 1964, Biblioteca Municipale Milan 1965 and 1969, Triennale Milan 1966, Classic Art Gallery Milan 1974.

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His artistic works are in the most important Galleries

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See Paolo Spada works of art

Payment: Bank Money transfer or International Postal Order
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Age: late 20th

€ 200
$ 235

Dipinto: cm 12 x 17 (4¾" x 6¾")
Cornice: cm 26,5 x 31,5 (10½" x 12½")

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